REM Logistics

June 2023 - Case Study for completion of Google UX Course

Role - Interaction Designer and UX Researcher

Program - Adobe XD

The Prompt

Excited for a more “professional” prompt, I was tasked with creating a delivery tracking flow for an imaginary long haul logistics company. As you will see later, my research helps form what kind of company REM Logistics was and what the users would need.

The Challenge

“REM Logistics is a platform that tracks long-haul shipments no matter the scale of the project. How can we address the pain points and needs of the users?”

In addition to creatiing the design flow. The “company” doesn’t exist, so REM was created in the competitive audits and persona creation. REM not only allows tracking logistics for one person or package, but for entire projects and teams.

Our Goal: Provide in depth tracking, team communication, delivery contact, and engaging —- to organize transport logistics of varying products.

Research and Planning

With little to no idea going in how the project would look, our competitive audit formed the initial backbone for the design.

Competitive Audit

We looked at UPS and Fedex as indirect competitors and Long Haul Logistics, Parcels App, and GXO. How we constructed REM was on the success and building on the shortcomings we analysed. We Surmised the following:

  • Responsiveness is a key noted positive in competitors among corporate clients.

  • All competitors show who the drivers, factory workers, and logisticians are in their processes.

  • The websites aren’t very interactive besides looking at the tracking and contacting the head office.

Persona Creation

From our competitive audit we structured our personas from a range of people who use tracking services. We derived our two personas, Dan and Tiffany, from these interviews. We found that with REM focusing on corporate tracking, the “entrepreneur” and logistics coordinator in a company were essential personas.

Building off our the unique expriences of each persona, we constructed pain points that we would derive our main goals from in our web page ideation and creation.

Pain Points


Lack of Centralization




Driver Contact


Sharing Logistics

Design the Solution

Information Architecture

Early Ideation


I started out with jotting ideas down. From these floating thoughts, we drew early illustrations. However, my dog was disappointed in my ideas and indicated I should imrpove my rapid ideation (lol).


Thinking on accessibility, I wanted to ensure that this was a useful app to all. Using the following methods: hierarchical structured headings for screenreaders, language options for those non-english speakers, responsive sizing for desktop and phone, light and dark mode, and colorblind accessible colors.

Low Fidelity

Web Mockup

Utilizing adobe XD, I created low fidelity mock ups breaking down the navigation and look of REM systems.

Phone Mockup

High Fidelity

Web Mockup

Creating a responsive design that works well on phone would be essential for those checking on logistics on the go. We imagined that Tiffany while taking care of her other matters, would utilize the tracking functions for a client inquiring on their parcel. Click the button below to see how you would experience REM.

Phone Mockup

Building off our the unique expriences of each persona, we constructed pain points that we would derive our main goals from in our web page ideation and creation.

After recreating rapid fire iterations of the homescreen, I highlighted in pen all of the best parts and created a “final draft” mockup. This was repeated for all screens.


REM logistics is only a company in concept, so I created and quantified success of my creation based on the project —- above. After usability testing, we found that our webpage went well above the expectations and goals originally laid out. Particularly with regard to contacting drivers, sharing between coworkers, and note taking organization.


Looking critically at my project, If I were to change anything, I would have taken more time interviewing people for the persona creation. Due to limited time, I could only interview a handful of people and use secondary research when creating personas.

What’s Next

If continued, this project would have one more round of user testing before being sent out to an engineering team. I would have tested: account creation flow, adding people to a project function, and tracking upgrade function.

Contact Us


New York, NY



